What's Brewing This Weekend - 8/5 Edtion

What’s doing. I kinda wanna brew again cause I have new awesome uber braid in my mashtun, but… I dunno.

Cutting out early on Friday to brew Fest:

7.5 lbs Weyermann Vienna
7.5 lbs Best Pils
4.0 lbs Weyermann Munich I
4.0 lbs Weyermann Munich II
12oz    Carared
12oz    Caramunich I
24 IBUs FWH Tradition or Tettnang - whichever is in the front of the freezer

1.056 OG

No brewing, but we’re doing a beer dinner at a friend’s house. Everyone brings a course with paired beer.

Belgian Wit and Golden Monkey clone (this time with the Ardennes yeast).

Both to be tapped for my son’s Christening.

I should probably get the starters going tonight…

Finally going to brew the amber ale that i have been meaning to brew for the last 2 weeks.

Hope to get started early tomorrow before the heat really kicks-in.
Feeling like a sweet hoppy aromatic brew ;D

august hop candy 8.3.11

Anticipated OG:          1.066    
Anticipated SRM:           9.9
Anticipated IBU:          46.8

85.1% Golden promise                
 6.4% CaraMunich II                
 4.3% Cara-Pils        
 4.3% Crystal 20L


14g.     Chinook                           First WH
14g.     Columbus                        First WH

10g.     Chinook                           10 min.
10g.     Columbus                        10 min.

18g.     Chinook                        2 min.
18g.     Columbus                    2 min.
14g.     Citra                             2 min.

28g.     Chinook                        Dry Hop
28g.     Citra                             Dry Hop
28g.     Columbus                    Dry Hop


WYeast 1968

No brewing…I’ve got 4 batches in fermenters to deal with.

Wife demands some Porter and it sounds good since I’ve been drinking a lot of hoppy beers lately.  Hey Denny how’s that quad coming along?

Brewing a triple.

Nothing brewing this weekend.  Need to clean a couple of kegs and keg one of the batches I brewed a couple weekends ago.

I don’t think I’ll be brewing, but if I find time, I need to get an APA going. I will be kegging an IPA and saison though.

Awesome uber braid?  This thread is worthless without pics!  :slight_smile:

No brewing. Kegging my Quad and bottling my entries for The Pilner Urquell Competition in NYC on Monday night.

Denny’s BVIP, first time brewing it. Woohoo!

Let me know how the competition goes… I’ll be at the one in Chicago next Friday.

Will do!

This weekend I’m doing my next iteration of a Belgian Gold. The first time I brewed this (out of 80 Classics) I really liked it but I wanted to try and tweak it just a little much.  Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll have it down exactly how I want it so I can make it my ‘house’ beer :wink:

Brewing a porter, fining a year-old mead in preparation for bottling next weekend, and lagering my Oktoberfest.

Where simplicity does well - this is one gets a lot of great feedback & will be brewing this weekend:

All Pilsen malt + 1/2 pound of carapils
All Saaz whole hops (schedule is 60, 30, 10 on a 90 min boil)
White Labs Lager yeast

going for 6% ABV, 40 IBU, mash ~150, ferment at 65, dryhop with Centennial or similar.

I was hoping to brew a Belgian Strong Ale, but will not have time.
Saturday afternoon and evening I get to be judge director of the beer festival at the Lowery Park Zoo, called WaZoo.  We’re going to try to assess the winners out of about 250 commercial beers.