What's name of this glass style

Presents nicely… Don’t know what to google.

Looks like this one… not sure it is a style per se


That’s it…thanks.

Those are pretty cool, never seen them. Kind of narrow like a kolsch glass, except for the flare. So I assume they concentrate the aromas pretty well. I have some of the SN IPA glasses. Like them pretty well.

Stang? But wide to accommodate the handlebar mustache. Must-stang?

I got that one at the brewery on Friday, and then poured one of my APA’s in it.  Nice head and aroma. The have a similar one a little shorter and wider flare they use for their stouts.

Yeah, they help keep your handlebar mustache out of your pumpkin peach beer.  ;D

My german pils in new glass.

Pretty beer !

These are a little different from the spiegelau glasses. They are marketed as pilsner-type glasses by wholesalers (http://egrandstand.com/arc-j3893-16-oz-evolution-pilsner.html) but versatile enough that they could be well used for most styles.

just got my set of 4 of these from lenox in the link you sent. they are much nicer than the brewery glasses-thicker glass and bottom. they really do accentuate the hops in the APA and IPA.

Those are nice glasses. If I didn’t already have the Spiegelau IPA glasses from SN, I’d pick them up. They definitely concentrate the hop aromas. And make for big tall foam, with the etched bottom that streams the carbonation up. They definitely look similar :  Sierra Nevada Gift Shop: Beer & Merch – Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

those are nice. the one good thing with lenox, if you register (free) your glasses, any breakage you can replace at 50% off.

Didn’t know that. That’s pretty cool.

That’s a fairly good recommendation. I have been holding off of buying these new styles because of all of the glasses I already have. I like a good glass that is appropriate for the style, but worried those were just the flavor of the month for hipsters!

I may need to unintentionally drop about a dozen of the pint/mixing glasses I have and replace them now.

thinking it will be a very versatile glass welcoming of many styles.

$39.94 delivered is a great price on set of 6 of the spieglau.


Yeah, that is a great price. I bought 2 of them from SN and paid damn near half that.

I have one of the Dogfish Head Spiegelau glasses and love it, I’ve been eyeing that six pack set for a while now. Has anyone seen there porter glasses available in a similarly priced set?

I swear Sierra had them at a lower price point.