In the newest issue they had a bucket list for homebrewers, I was able to check a few off that list. Looking to knock some more off the list here soon. Next on my list is getting BJCP certified. What’s on the top of your list?
+1. I’ve been rejected once. That wasn’t on my bucket list, but it’s a start.
Attend the Northern California Homebrewers Festival.
Attend an AHA conference.
Brew a Belgian that’s actually drinkable. (Spent my first summer as a homebrewer brewing undrinkable Belgians. Could probably do better now, several years later, but decided to work on the basics a while.)
Get my nerve up to enter a beer in a contest.
Publish an essay about homebrewing (in a magazine not primarily about beer or brewing).
Build an all-electric, pump-driven, mobile brewstand.
I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve managed to have things happen in my brewing hobby that I never expected would happen. A Big Brew recipe, having my beer brewed commercially, being on the Governing Committee, having a brewing yeast named after me, and now I’ll be attending Beer Camp next week. If I could just make it to GABF one of these days, that would about do it for me.
Brew a great brett beer like Goose Island Sofie
Travel to Belgium
Have a beer brewed at a local pub/brewery
Enter Sam Adams homebrew comp
Have my back and knees work the day after I brew
Get WLP570 to floccuate within my lifetime
Brewing with Brett. I am doing that this summer though so I suppose something I am not already doing would be to win a medal (any color) in a brew comp.
Win BOS in our state homebrew competition with a wild ale. A LOT of time and effort goes into these brews, so I hope one will bare fruit in the future (other than just being delicious!).
Perfect my IPA recipe (although I don’t know that I’ll EVER be able to stop tweaking it)
Come out to Hop Union’s Hop + Beer school. You’ll get to take in some of the harvest and have a great time.
I finally made it last year and I’m planning on going again this year.