What's number 1 on your brewer bucket list?

In the newest issue they had a bucket list for homebrewers, I was able to check a few off that list.  Looking to knock some more off the list here soon.  Next on my list is getting BJCP certified.  What’s on the top of your list?

my wife ;D

His wife.
Only kidding!

#1 on mine is a Salvator clone.
I have yet to find the correct recipe.

Attend Sierra Nevada BEER CAMP !!!  :o


+1. I’ve been rejected once. That wasn’t on my bucket list, but it’s a start.
Attend the Northern California Homebrewers Festival.
Attend an AHA conference.
Brew a Belgian that’s actually drinkable. (Spent my first summer as a homebrewer brewing undrinkable Belgians. Could probably do better now, several years later, but decided to work on the basics a while.)
Get my nerve up to enter a beer in a contest.
Publish an essay about homebrewing (in a magazine not primarily about beer or brewing).
Build an all-electric, pump-driven, mobile brewstand.

Upgrade from fly and batch sparging to a fully automatic RIM or HERM system.

Two that were on the list that I would like to do someday.

Go to the GABF.

Go to Yakima at the time of the harvest.

I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve managed to have things happen in my brewing hobby that I never expected would happen.  A Big Brew recipe, having my beer brewed commercially, being on the Governing Committee, having a brewing yeast named after me, and now I’ll be attending Beer Camp next week.  If I could just make it to GABF one of these days, that would about do it for me.

Have brewed a beer for the GABF Pro-am

Would like to -

Brew a great brett beer like Goose Island Sofie
Travel to Belgium
Have a beer brewed at a local pub/brewery
Enter Sam Adams homebrew comp
Have my back and knees work the day after I brew
Get WLP570 to floccuate within my lifetime

Hey Denny, have fun at Beer Camp!  Fill us in when you can, or after.

This should be at the top of any homebrewer’s bucket list.

Say hello to everyone at SN for me.

Win the Ninkasi!  :slight_smile:

I would also like to go to Beer Camp and hopefully go to GABF next year.

Will do, Jeff!

Brewing with Brett. I am doing that this summer though so I suppose something I am not already doing would be to win a medal (any color) in a brew comp.

Currently working on:

  1. Win BOS in our state homebrew competition with a wild ale. A LOT of time and effort goes into these brews, so I hope one will bare fruit in the future (other than just being delicious!).

  2. Perfect my IPA recipe (although I don’t know that I’ll EVER be able to stop tweaking it)

I would really like one of my beers to win BOS in a competition.

Come out to Hop Union’s Hop + Beer school.  You’ll get to take in some of the harvest and have a great time.   
I finally made it last year and I’m planning on going again this year.

How does one get enrolled in this?


Looks like a lot of fun.  I would love to go someday.  Thanks for posting Denny. :slight_smile: