What's your favorite maris otter...

I’m formulating my next recipe and decided to do an ESB. I want to use Maris otter for the base grain and found a really interesting one made by Warminster in the UK. Has anyone had good luck with this MO or do you have a favorite?


My LHBS keeps Crisp on hand, and I like it a lot.

I haven’t experimented with a lot of other maltsters, but I have a sack of Crisp right now and it is great stuff.

I really want to try the Warminster floor-malted MO sometime soon.

I typically use Crisp because I like it and it’s easy to source here.  I’ve used Thomas-Fawcett and Warminster Floor malted too.  I really liked Thomas-Fawcett but wasn’t to find it around here anymore.  The bag of Warminster I used didn’t have any major positive or negatives over Crisp so price and availability won out for me.

My general feeling at this point is MO is good, use what you can get.


I use Crisp too. Available, reasonably priced, and good flavor/aroma.

All I have available local is Fawcet and Muntons. I go with the Muntons due to price. $80 for Fawcet and $65 for Muntons. I can get Crips across town for $75

Crisp and TF.

Warminster is good stuff. I can find bags of Crisp easier, and have a full bag I need to use.

TF for me! Love that stuff.

I use either Crisp or TF all of the time, they’re both great.  I haven’t used Warminster at all.

Thanks for the replies. I placed an order today for equal amounts of Crisp and Warminster. We’ll give them a try. I’ve never tried any malts from TF, but that me be on the horizon too. :wink:

I prefer the Thomas Fawcett to the crisp. Haven’t tried the warminster. Muntons is not floor malted which is why it is a lot cheaper, and also not as good as crisp or TF.

I’ve used the Warminster to make an English bitter and got some really nice results.  It gave the beer a nice malty, nutty flavor.  I’d definitely use it again.

for what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure it’s warminster that ‘owns’ marris otter which means that all the farmers growing it are accountable to them to make sure the quality is there.

That, and it is kilned to 4.5 Lovibond giving it a very toasty rich flavor.