When life gives you lemons...

…make a Radler.

I recently brewed a beer that, according to my taste buds, was one brick shy of a load. I’ve been wanting to make a Randall for a while now so took the opportunity to try to improve this wallflower of a beer.

I took a cartridge filter housing, piece of silicone tubing, a square of stainless wire fabric, a picnic tap and presto chango my Randall:

I stuffed it with lemons and ran the beer thru it.

The beer ended up with some ‘floaties’ in it but I image that should be expected when running it thru lemons. The resulting pint was pretty darn good

Pretty cool, do you run off a bit before pouring a pint? Or is this just a festival/one day only kind of thing?

I dunno. I did it to ‘fix’ an otherwise dumper of a beer. Not sure how long the lemons will last or if the beer in the cartridge will be waste or not. …but I’ll find out soon enough. It’s probably just as easy to throw a lemon in a glass vs this contraption. LOL

I did get the idea from a guy at last year’s local Homebrew fest. His beer was 10x better than this one. He ran it thru lemons like this to serve.  So, I thought what the heck. It might make mine an OK beer. …which it did.

I’m on my second pint now. [emoji41]

According to my understanding, that’s not a rather, but who cares?  You managed to sv3 a batch and make something you enjoy.  Good job!

Good job BrewBama!  I saw a guy do that at a beer festival a few years ago.  However, he used his own brew through fresh hops in the filter housing.  We didn’t care for the finished product - in fact we dumped it.  But I thought it was a terrific idea!