When the therminator is not enough

I’ve been using the Blichmann plate chiller for several years, but now considering a larger unit.  The next step up seems to the Plate-Pro from Sabco, but it’s about $800.

Are there any plate chillers out there bigger than Blichmann, that don’t cost so much?

Duda diesel has several larger ones.  For more plates you could add additional in series, for more volume you could add additional in parallel

I’ve got this one that I ordered and should be here in a couple of days.

B3-36A 40  B3-36A 40 Plate Beer Wort Garden Hose Chiller [HX3640BWGH] | DudaDiesel Biodiesel Supplies

I am hoping it can handle the bigger batches I have been doing without going through SO much water.

This is what I would recommend.

Blichmann is the way to go. Most (all?) of the cheaper versions (Duda, Shirron) are made from 304SS instead of 316SS. The 316 stainless offers better protection against corrosion from Chlorides than 304. Especially at higher temps, wort, water, and cleaning solution with even moderate Chloride content is quite corrosive to 304SS. The fact that you can’t fully drain the unit doesn’t help, either.

Just as well, the Blichmann unit is uber-efficient, easier to clean, and doesn’t sit on the ground.