Just finishing up another book on brewing wilds, and thought I’d read through this (or any others people may suggest)
I think at this point, you’re sort of hopeless in getting the old AHA style book, but you can always check older homebrew shops (like my local Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking in Woodland Hills.) they may still have a copy on the shelf.
Amazon, you just need to be patient. It’s out of print, so sometimes it’s expensive. I got mine after watching the siter for over a year and waiting for a price I was happy with. It obviously won’t be new.
You could go back in time and buy it cheap.
Seriously, I got mine when it was in print, did not pay an arm and leg, and everyone thought I was crazy playing with the bugs 'n critters.
Edit - keep looking. Maybe someone in your area will leave the hobby, and sell their books. Check used book stores. Check the net.
It’s a fairly inaccurate book on so many levels. I certainly wouldn’t spend more than $10 on it.
Available on Amazon right now.
Just to give you the heads up, make sure you’re sitting down when you click on the link and see the prices:
Yow! Maybe I should start selling my beer library.
I’d like to flip through it, but its priced as a keepsake. $100 is not indicative of the value of knowledge within.
Save your money:
Buy Wild Brews and Mike Tonsmire’s book when it comes out.
Listen to Vinnie’s Sour Beer Seminar and Chad Yakobson’s Brett Seminar from NHC:
http://www.ahaconference.org/conference/past-presentations/2007-presentations/ (audio on BN website)
- Listen to interviews with Jean Van Roy and Peter Bouckaert.
basicbrewing.com (JVR and Peter)
thebrewingnetwork.com (JVR)
- Read blogs: BBB, Mad Fermentationist, Funk Factory, Embrace The Funk.
I have the book and this is exactly how I feel about it.