so I wanted to post about a beer Just brewed…
I give HoosierBrew props for turning me onto Whirlpooling my IPAs as I have brewed several now and have all just been absolutely juicy tropical magic( last was Galaxy, Azzaca and HBC438- peach apricot bomb- yum!!)
So using what I know, I took a style that I personally (no offense to those who dig it) find a bit boring… Brown ales. For me they are too malty and lack the hop magic that I crave day and night- So I figured I would attempt to brew a brown ale that not only MET BJCP guidelines, but also something I would like to drink- recipe follows.
What I ended up brewing was a brown ale that I believe not only brown ale lovers would drink, but the hop junkies would find very drinkable as well…
Whirlpool Brown ale:
All Grain
OG 1.064
FG 1.015
SRM 22
IBU 39
ABV 6.3
efficiency in range for my system at 72%
Grain bill:
13# 2 row 90%
8oz c60 3.5%
7oz Spec roast 3%
7oz choco 3%
1oz debittered .5% (color only)
.75oz Warrior (15%alpha) FWH 37IBU
.25oz Cascade (5.5% alpha) 15min 2IBU
whirlpool @ 175 for 45 min:
2oz cascade
2oz Willaimette
WLP029 Kolsch fermed at 67
Dryhop x3 days:
2oz Williamette
1.75oz Cascade
mashed at 158 with a mash pH of 5.35
I fermed for 4 days at 67, pulled primary from my cooler and added my dry hops and allowed temp to rise to 72 for 3 days for dryhop and diacetyl rest. once final gravity was met, I transfered to secondary and cold crashed at 38 for 3 days then kegged.
Tasting notes:
The nose is earthy grapefruit with distinct caramel notes. Caramel is the primary taste followed by mellow herbal, earthy grapefruit. Dangerously drinkable!!
Now that you have made it this far into this novel of a post finally comes the question. Given the success of brewing a brown ale with a huge whirlpool addition, I am considering brewing a Saison again with a huge whirlpool addition-
Thoughts? Good idea? Recommendations for the hops in the whirlpool? Anybody attempted this? I was thinking either Sorachi ace or Lemon drop-