Whirlpool How-To

I use an immersion chiller (no pump) and typically add any 0 minute additions to the kettle and promptly turn on the water (the immersion chiller has been sitting in the boil for about 5 minutes or so to sanitize).

In thinking about how to whirlpool, I know folks generally cool to ~160 add the hops, wait a bit, then continue to chill. How would I do this while still maintaining a sanitized immersion chiller? Would I just leave it in the whole time and simply turn the water on and off?

If there is any stirring necessary, I’m not sure how I’d do this if it meant pulling out the immersion chiller during the process.

Stirring (mechanical, pump or spoon) isn’t necessary, but it sure helps with both chilling and hop oil extraction. I leave my IC in and whirlpool with a pump starting just before flame-out, for both my hop stand and chilling.

I don’t have a pump and use an IC, too - the IC has already been in the kettle and been sanitized by the boil. Don’t overcomplicate it - it’s easy. I cool to 170-175F, add the hops, steep 20-25 mins for APA or 45 mins for IPA. I stir thoroughly initially then every few minutes I stir some more. When done, finish cooling. Easy peasy.

EDIT -  To be extra clear, I leave the IC in the kettle during the steep.
