White Labs Yeast Vault

Saw this on Milk the Funk, White Labs is apparently offering many if their platinum strains and wild/bacterias now.

WL Yeast Vault

Thanks for the heads up.

Nice heads up, couple in there I’ve heard about and am interested in

I would like the chance to bundle a couple of standard strains in with the vault strain. The shipping is affordable at $3, but it might as well throw an 001 or 007 in there as well.

I’m in for 835 and probably that Saison blend. Maybe some of the funky bunch.

I wish the sold all their yeast with $3 shipping. Yeast is the hardest thing to come by locally.

Some of them look pretty good, but it looks like it’ll be a long wait to get any of them.

Hmm. I wonder if any of these are the mystery culture that I got off a contaminated agar plate from WL.  ???

I just got a 5-gallon keg for fermenting, so I put in for the high-pressure lager yeast to give it a try. I also put in for the Klassic Ale. I just hope that it doesn’t take till mid-July before these hit their quota, then get these shipped from San Diego in the dog days of summer.

Wow!  that is pretty cool stuff.  Thanks for sharing Amanda!  I just might have to place a few orders for some cool new strains/blends.

great find- some really interesting yeast i’d love to try.

I was the first person to place an order WLP033.  I appears that someone other than you and I placed an order for WLP033.

Actually, I ordered 2 packs. I figured since this might be a one time thing I’d get a spare just in case.

I’m interested in Klassic Ale too, but will be starting with 1768 in January ;).

It’s nice to see the “vault” has materialized. I’ll be checking in frequently.

I will be ordering this as well

I’m really interested in High Pressure Lager Yeast, Klassic Ale and Hansen Ale.

I figure I’ll make a 2L starter for each strain and split it up 4 ways for my yeast inventory.

No need to wait for WLP033.  Wyeast 1768 is coming out in January.

Wyeast 1768 and WLP033 are two different isolates much in the same way that Wyeast 1056 and WLP001 are two different isolates.

Do you find a noticeable difference in their performance?

Doesn’t the specific pack that I buy become an isolate as soon as I bring it home and use it?

Come on people…who wants to make some malty lagers with WLP835 German Lager X and some funky stuff with some WLP640 Brett Anomalus I? Give these strains a chance and join up!