I’ve been doing some experimenting with mash temps. How high a temp can you get before there is to much residual sugar. Just want some feedback so I don’t get stuck with a overly sweet beer. At 152 my beer fermented out almost completely. So it was missing some body.
I’m assuming you mean mash temps. I’d say its less about mash temp and more about OG versus intended FG. WLP007 is a beast; its good for 80% attenuation, so if you give it a 1.050 its going to hit 1.010 in a heartbeat. You have to balance OG and attenuation.
What style were you aiming for; what was your OG and intended FG? WLP007 will eat anything fermentable you feed it.
I have mashed at 158 to good result. you could go higher by a bit but remember the higher the temp, you usually want to shorten the mash time as the alpha amalaze works faster than beta. you can also add caramel or crystal malt to increase residual sweetness some as long as you don’t over do it.
How completely did your last batch ferment out? at 152 i would expect some residual.
For what it’s worth, I just brewed my first AG two days ago using this yeast, mashed at 156 for 60 mins, measured an OG of 1.067 (target 1.070), and pitched a starter of this yeast at 66 and had violent burping in my Better Bottle in less than 12 hrs. Just my two cents. My wife didn’t seem to care about my first AG being successful… so far.
congrats on the move to AG, it’s really fun. not to knock extract but the mixing and matching you can do with grain is great. and the control over fermentability is really good.
Thanks, I appreciate it. It actually seemed easier than having to worry about boil-overs from using DME and scorching extract on the bottom of the kettle. And like you said, I now have a few lbs of extra grains that I can play around and eventually brew a Frankenstein beer.
Thanks that helps alot. My last batch went from 1.051 to 1.009, I’m trying to keep the use of crystal malts to a minimum (none). I love the clean taste that I’m getting, but the brew seems to be a bit thin in body. will try again soon with a bit of crystal malt.
yeah 158ish is my standard for full bodied beers.