Who has the dank, yo!

So what’s the dankest hop combination for an IPA?

Columbus is the king of dank/resin, so you have to put it in there.  When I want a dank, piney, resiny IPA  I use Columbus (for sure) and Chinook, balanced with a little Amarillo and Centennial.

I have columbus, chinook, simcoe, and summit on hand…

Sounds great !  If you get the oniony/garlic from the Summit, it’ll be subdued up against the intensity of Columbus and Chinook.  That’ll make a killer resiny, piney IPA with a little tangerine from Summit. Go for it !

Columbus and Apollo. Dank and onion.

From recent experience, leave out the summit. I’m thinking about doing something with the hop profile of something along the lines of… To get the dankiest of the dank

60 minute - 2 oz Columbus and 1-2 chinook
15 minute - 1 oz Simcoe and 1 oz Cent
0 minute (hopstand) - 2 oz Columbus and an oz of each Simcoe, chinook, and cent
Dry hop - 2 oz Simcoe and an oz of each Columbus, chinook, and cent

I love Simcoe FWH or 60 in my IPA. But using it for flavor or aroma scares me.

I made a blend once I called Humboldt Fog. 2 parts Columbus, 1 part Simcoe, 1 part Mosaic.

I actually like Summit. I first had it in an IPA at Bullfrog Brewery in Williamsport, Pa and couldn’t get enough of it. But it’s best used in very moderate amounts, just as an accent. Just the same, I may leave it out of this one and substitute another. Maybe Appolo or Galaxy?
I also have some Conan yeast in the works…

Yeah, I like Oskar Blues Gubna and its exclusively summit. I just bittered a beer with 3 oz of it and I’m not a fan. My uncle loves it though. I wouldn’t describe it as “dank” though. I’ve only had a tough of galaxy in a blonde so can’t judge on taste, but it sure smells dank! I have no judgement on Apollo either.