Wanting to add some rum soaked raisins to secondary, probably about 1 cup total of rum in a 2.5 gallon batch. Could this potentially kill off some of my yeast mass and negatively affect Bottle conditioning?
Wanting to add some rum soaked raisins to secondary, probably about 1 cup total of rum in a 2.5 gallon batch. Could this potentially kill off some of my yeast mass and negatively affect Bottle conditioning?
I’ve added 16oz of rum to a porter and had zero issues bottle conditioning. YMMV.
If you are worried about reaching the yeast’s alcohol limit, then agreed, should be no problem. Most yeast will tolerate up to 10%.
With your batch volume, rum volume, and adding 40 ABV rum, a 6% ABV beer will end up at about 6.83% ABV.
Should cause no issues. Your raisins will provide a tiny bit of sugar that may then get fermented out and that amount of alcohol, as indicated above, is negligible as far as the yeast are concerned.
Outstanding! Thanks for everyone’s help!!!