Fist off, I have crappy satellite internet (the pice I pay for not having neighbors and walking nekkid to the hot tub on my backdeck. You are welcome for the visual.) I don’t know if this is part of the problem but my iPads and iPhones work fine with my current router but my PCs keep getting kicked off.
I need a router that works better. The one I have now is TP-Link. The router I had before had conflict issues as well, with everything. This one still works well on my iPad which is what I primarily use but something that wouldn’t conflict with my PCs would be better.
See if you can set it to a higher channel, it could be interference with your computer and your phones (wireless house phones) using similar channels. Also check and set the signal strength to the highest level. Do that before purchasing a new router.
I don’t think you need a new router – just an adjustment.
I also live in the boonies (East of HSV - over Chapman Mnt-North of 72) for the same reason you do. Likewise, I was having problems with my laptop dropping from my connection. My brother - the software engineer- went into my router settings and changed something. I haven’t dropped in over a year since he did his voodoo magic.
Sometimes it’s that the PC wireless card isn’t compatible with the router because of a glitch. A firmware update on the router or driver update on the PC might fix that. Worked for me a couple times.
Go to the website for whomever made your router and it should have instructions on how to access the settings. Generally it is going to a web address (numerical) and from there finding the signal strength setting and the channel. Typically they find the channel automatically and I always had to set them to a higher channel.