Hello Fellow Wisconsin Homebrewers!!!
Please allow me to introduce you to the Wisconsin Homebrewer Association.
This Venture is the result of ongoing discussions on how to facilitate the creation of an annual homebrewer conference and festival in Wisconsin.
It would seem this idea has been broached and tried immeasurable times in the past, with limited success… mostly due to some archaic Wisconsin statues which seem to imply the funds used for any such gatherings would be in effect “charging” for the imbibing of homemade alcoholic beverages.
Our ultimate goal would be to ultimately have these statutes modified to allow for our gathering. But in the meantime, create a reasonable work around to avoid legal issues.
After much discussion, it would appear that the generation of a giant, all-inclusive, state wide homebrewing club is our best option.
The typical local homebrewing club charges yearly or monthly membership dues to pay for club administration (events, facilities, equipment, insurance, etc.). These dues in effect cover membership only and therefore there is no charge for the homebrew imbibed during club meetings. To the best of my knowledge, no club has ever been shut down for operating in this manner. Therefore, we believe a state wide club run in the same manner may work.
We are not looking for donations or club dues right now. What we are looking for is a measure of interest, the generation of ideas, and possibly to locate more leaders for our cause.
So I invite each and every homebrewer in Wisconsin, with any desire to make this dream a reality, to join our Facebook group.
I have sent a copy of this letter to every known homebrewing club in Wisconsin. I am sure that I have missed a few and I am sure there are countless individuals out there as well. So if you know anyone we have missed, please pass this on.
If you have any ideas, please share them freely.
If you have any good homebrew, send it to me.
In the future, I hope we can become more organized, generate a complete database of members, and form a true club.
In the meantime, come on in and say hello. And keep on brewing.
Kevin Scharfenberger
Your fearless administrator (until we find someone better)