Brewing a Best Bitter recipe today, based on a recipe in Brewing Classic Styles… this is my first time using WLP002. I’ve read a bit of feedback about diacetyl levels with this yeast… and despite the fact it might be okay in small amounts in an english pale, I’d like to avoid ending up with it in my final beer.
I pitched a healthy starter, and let the temp rise from 60 to 68 on brew day after pitching… since then i’ve been holding steady at 68F.
I’m 2 days in, and fermentation activity is already slowing slightly from the peak…
Curious what (if any) temp increases i should do as fermentation continues / tails off… and how long folks typically let beers fermented with 002 sit in primary to avoid diacetyl in the past.
No temp increases are needed. The 68F your at is fine for converting precursor to diacetyl.
My experience with WLP002 is that it will absorb any diacetyl if you let it sit a few days after the Krausen drops. I usually give it a week to be conservative.