Oh boy, it’s time to brew again. nice and cold outside still. I’ll be fermenting this around 60F it looks like. It has english ale characteristics but with higher attenuation apparently.
the starter smelled quite good, but its been really slow to take off in the wort. its going now but about 40 hours. its rare i have that happen. sigh.
I brewed and amber ale with that yeast on Monday. I have had a problem with overpitching recently, so this time I made a 1 liter SNS starter and only pitched half of it, fermenting at 65 F. It started to foam at around 16 hrs, and by 24 hours krausen covered the whole surface. That is a bit slow by my usual standards, but not too worrisome. It is now 3 days and still chugging away slowly but steadily with a layer of gooey-looking krausen. My floating hydrometer says it has dropped from 1.054 to 1.013, so it should be done soon.
appreciated. i tried it because the description was “similar to wlp002/fullers but has higher attenuation”. its in a porter.
I’ve never used it, and it was never even on my radar, but if this is true then I will certainly give it a try sometime soon. I’ve always been worried that this was Red Hook’s yeast strain, and I am not a fan of buttered popcorn in the slightest. I love the ester profile from 002, so if 041 has a similar flavor and doesn’t create a nasty D-bomb, then I’m all over it. Please let us know how this turns out.
made a strong porter with it. just cracked the first bottle after 8 days in.
i recall a “chocolate fudgey” taste in the transfer sample. but i just got smacked in the face with vanilla. i actually bottled two with a small amount of vanilla extract added, i checked the cap and this wasnt one. crazy, it smells like chocolate cookies with vanilla/almond extract added. body is thinner than expected, again almonds and chocolate slab cake. result pretty well achieved, wanted a very chocolatey porter
pretty interesting. im sure it will change in a week or so.
been drinking this over the past 2 months. its been good, but suddenly over the past week ive had two gushers surprise me. ive been drinking them regularly, about two or three 500mls a week, this was a shock and i assumed the first one was just a weird bottle, but just had another. i had gotten 75% attenuation at bottling and assumed that was it.
i should probably stop opening them at my computer desk…
its a solid enough yeast but it was finnicky fermenting. i doubt i’d choose it again.