Anyone ever use Tennessee Whiskey Yeast?
I’m thinking of making a peated barley wine
Anyone ever use Tennessee Whiskey Yeast?
I’m thinking of making a peated barley wine
I was snooping around on their website before and I saw that they say it’s great for high gravity beers, and I’ve been tempted, but I haven’t seen anything from anyone else how it turns out. I want to play with it at some point too, but just haven’t built up the nerve to do it. I’d be real interested in seeing if anyone else has had experience with it (for beer at least) and their thoughts.
I actually tasted a beer brewed with this yeast at NHC. it was okay. clean with a hint of sweetness. peated barley wine sounds super gross! ;D good luck!
Peated malt belongs in one thing only - WHISKEY ! >:(
Any other ideas on how to use this yeast in a higher gravity beer?
I actually think it would work well in any high gravity beer. I was just taking the pi$$ on the peated malt thing. If you like that though you should try it. I might be tempted to get the scotch whisky yeast instead if you are after the smoke character. It reminded me of the edinborough yeast in the mild earthiness it lent.
That’s kind of what I was thinking too.