Woke up early feeling bored and eager for something to do.
I thought to myself how about cleaning, rinsing, and sanitizing several pots,
buckets, and utensils for hours ?, sounds like a plan lets go. Something else
was accomplished while doing these tasks, cant recall.
I really wish I had a big enough space for a deep three bay sink with a drying rack. I was able to clean my equipment when I worked at a brewery a while back. No obstacles, caustic and and acid wash - repassivated everything. Having a good sink makes everything a lot easier and cleaner.
Sounds like a great plan. I need to do that as well. I have 11 kegs and many assorted parts and pieces. One Saturday will be spend in the backyard with a HB or two and cleaning and rinsing stuff. Sounds like a perfect day to me. LOL
Sometimes while cleaning, rinsing, and sanitizing stuff I “whistle while I work”.
Other times I moan, complain, and make a big to do about nothing. The lazy
monster is powerful. With that being said, I’m an OCD cleaner sanitizer, and
never had an infected batch. Forget where it was said that if you like
cleaning and sanitizing stuff get into brewing beer, so true.
You can walk up to the fence and peer over, just never cross it.
I’m proud to say others followed suit and never crossed it with
clever responses. Keeps the administrators on their toes.