
So, for the first time in 90 years,
a wolverine is going to spend the winter in Colorado.

News report here.

“State wildlife biologists say they think M56, the solo male wolverine that migrated more than 500 miles to Colorado from Wyoming last spring, appears to have settled in at the snowy edge of Rocky Mountain National Park, raising hopes for the survival of the species and other threatened carnivores.”

Me, I think big Mustelids are amazing.
I will be raising a pint to M56 tonight.

Anybody ever seen one?

Only in a zoo.

Also, I was REALLY hoping for a Red Dawn thread.  :-\

;D…I am up for a Red Dawn thread.  Another of my favorites. :wink:


Gulo gulo just freaking cool though.


Those things are tenacious.  Here’s to any critter reclaiming it’s former habitat.  :wink:

Well, given what week it is…BUCKEYES!!!

Sorry for the hijack, and good luck to the critter.

Since M65 has found this habitat suitable they need to get him a girlfriend or two in the area somehow. If not, this stay will be short lived.

:smiley: No need to worry about hijack…wolverines are, well, everywhere!

Silly youngster, he is likely to be lonely for a while,
unless he likes the hordes of giddy biologists that are watching him go about his business. ::slight_smile:

Ha! good one. I suddenly have this image of snickering and giggling graduate students. Best to leave the poor guy alone.  ;D

They are actually filming a remake of Red Dawn in the Detroit area.

Michigan is the Wolverine state, but it was just a few years back that one was spotted in the “Thumb”, and it was thought it had crossed Lake Huron from Canada on ice in winter.  First one seen in anyones memory.

They got me when they blew up a car without warning and all I could see was some smoke that looked like it was coming from a building, it brought up some bad memories and I left in a real hurry.


I resurrect this thread only to toast M56,
and to share that he has met the end.

Shot by a rancher… in North Dakota!

Sad to hear. Great story though of a great journey

M65 needs to meet  M69 else there won’t be any baby wolverines    :-*

So awesome…
