
So I gotta know…
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

If he got paid in beer, a pretty big stack. If he was doing it as a favor, it would ‘hurt his back’ and he’d bail. And then drink beer.

At my house, he’d die of lead poisoning before he got very much wood chucked.

It will only matter when he/she (the woodchuck, that is) “does” chuck the aforementioned wood.


None after I put a bullet through it’s head  (feeling especially Dark today >:) )

Reminds me of one of my nieces who used to say “Hedgehog, neither hedge nor hog, discuss.” to shut up the younger kids.  :slight_smile:


Personally, Woodchuck makes me want to upchuck, but I don’t like many ciders in the first place.

I like Woodchuck a lot.  Besides they some the Cider categories in a comp that I’ve won CMOTY in the past 3 years.  They give out great prizes.  I now have 2 LED Woodchuck bar signs ($125 each) and 2 Woodchuck cider beach chairs.  Plus about 6 taps handles, glasses, sweatshirts, etc.

Oh yeah…they make some great ciders.

My wife likes them, but like I said, I’m not a fan of ciders in general.  I have tried a couple of ice ciders that I liked, but most just don’t do it for me.  I plan to try my hand at them next year, though, if for no other reason than my wife likes them.

Back in my college days, when I intended to do some serious drinking it was Jäger and Woodchuck. Mouthful of Jager, chased by a bottle of Woodchuck. My liver still cringes at those memories.

Remember “Screaming Nazis”?

Someone actually thought combining Jäger and Rumple Minze was a good idea.

Or “Sicilian Kisses”?

Because Amaretto and SoCo are a delectable combination. Man we were dumb!

That sounds absolutely horrendous.  :frowning:

I “remember” several screaming nazis in my college days. As well as the 3 wisemen: Jack, Jim, and johnny?

It was Irish Car bombs for me. Pretty tasty actually.

Back when I was in high school we used to chase shots of 100 proof Peppermint Schnapps with Boone’s Farm Apple wine.  Somehow, the combination ‘worked’. 

Damn BDawg…did you grow up in VT, because that is very close to what we did too.

That almost makes all those amaretto and slow gin drinks my friends thought were so good in high school sound drinkable.  :o

Even back at 16 I usually just drank 7&7 or BV on rocks.  Never been much for mixes.  Except margaritas, I still love margaritas…


You and I must be around the same age. I remember drinking that crap.

No, but close.  I grew up in RI.  Must have been a NE thing.
We only did it during the cold weather.