Worlds Strongest Beer

That’s a lot of ice.

Marketing gimmick.  If they are using freeze distillation…it is still distillation.  What they did is make a whiskey, just using an alternate method of distillation.

And I promise you, $800 will buy you a much, much better cask strength Scottish whisky than this.  They call it a “blond belgian ale” but that is just the fermented whisky mash, really.  If you distill it to 110proof it is whisky, not beer, any more than bourbon is just a really strong corn-adjunct ale, or cognac is an extra potent white wine.

Well, it’s working because they’re name is all over the interwebs today.

i think the animal skin bottles are pretty lame.  i understand it’s for attention and they are getting it and i’m adding to it…

i dunno…  i’ve had a few brewdog beers and without exception, they have been expensive and disappointing.

I wonder when gimick is not going to be enough to keep them in business.


floccinaucinihilipilification  :wink:


Next they’ll be delivering these bottles with Clydesdales…


This is how they make several different types of vodka.