I recently incorporated a pump for whirlpool chilling into my system. I was wondering about knockout hop utilization if the pump is running. Does circulating the 210 - 200F wort through the pump create more bitterness than if it was just sitting static? I didn’t know if part of hop utilization was the movement and heat created during the boil that might be similar when running wort through a pump and doing that for a 20-30 hop stand might be just like boiling.
the short answer is yes. how how much more % you are extracting i’m not sure. depends on what hops and how long/vigorous your WP is. Just my common sense opinion on that no real science.
Stone has achieved up to 30% of the IBUs in a WP on the enjoy by beers.
You might be able to find more info on this in Mitch Steele IPA book.
Whirlpool above 160/180F? Or dropping the temps quickly below that? Gotta be a difference in isomerization… Now I need to reread Stan’s Hops book and Mitch’s IPA book. I might have this wrong.