Wrap or Pad for Chest Freezer?

I just bought a chest freezer for fermentation and was wondering if it makes a difference whether I use as my heating source a fermenter wrap (I have a Fermwrap) or a heating pad, which seems to be another popular option from what I can tell. In other words, is it better to warm the beer directly or the freezer so as to reach the proper temperature?

My sense is that both are fine–and if so, then I’ll just use the wrap. But I’d rather hear from people with experience before I take the next step. Thanks.

I’ve had both. The pad I bought crapped out on me. I really only had it for when I had 2 batches working at same time. When it died, I bought a second wrap for those occasions

With some insulation around the wraps, I feel they do a better job and faster than heating the while interior. Both will get the job done

A wrap is fine if you only ferment one batch at a time. If you plan on doing more than one, a 60 watt incandescent light bulb does a good job.

My old setup with a heating pad was quite the Rube Goldberg machine.  Since the pad would shut off after being on an hour, I had a timer run it for 55 minutes every two hours.  It worked, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Thanks for the feedback–it helps a lot to bring the matter into focus.

I have a repti-heat cable that I wrapped around the inside with outdoor command hooks. It’s a radiant heat and safe to the touch. Made for the inside of reptile terrariums, so it is safe to the touch.

I recommend a ferm wrap taped against the inside wall, hooked to a temperature controller.  I do that to ferment two buckets at a time and it works fine – with the probe in a thermowell placed through a hole drilled in the bucket lid.  I’ve done this for years.