I brewed a pale ale last Saturday, with a starting gravity of 1.056. I pitched a shaken not stirred starter, started fermentation at 18c for 3 days, then lifted to 22c over 2 days. I took a gravity reading today, and it was 1.024. I’ve lifted the temp to 23c and given the bucket a swirl.
This is the fourth generation of this yeast, harvested each time from an overbuilt starter.
I did 30mins at 62c, 30mins at 71c, and a 75c mashout.
Does anyone have additional suggestions on what I could do to get this nearer the 1.012 fg I’d been shooting for.
That’s extremely generous of you to offer, homoeccentricus, but i think it would cost you too much to send over from Belgium. If I have to pitch more yeast, I can grab a pack of a neutral dry yeast from my lhbs. I was planning on buying some Vermont/Conan for my next brew, as cloudwater use it in some of their beers (their citra/mosaic pale recently became my new favourite beer)
No problem, I’m not too far away in the UK, but still a pain to send IMO. I took another gravity reading this morning, and it’s down to 1.020, so it might just be working slowly, last beer I made with this yeast, it ran through it incredibly quickly (it was done after 5 days), and went down to 1.008 (albeit from a lower starting point).