Wy1318 stall

I brewed a pale ale last Saturday, with a starting gravity of 1.056. I pitched a shaken not stirred starter, started fermentation at 18c for 3 days, then lifted to 22c over 2 days. I took a gravity reading today, and it was 1.024. I’ve lifted the temp to 23c and given the bucket a swirl.

This is the fourth generation of this yeast, harvested each time from an overbuilt starter.
I did 30mins at 62c, 30mins at 71c, and a 75c mashout.

Does anyone have additional suggestions on what I could do to get this nearer the 1.012 fg I’d been shooting for.

I can mail you a small jar of 3 week old Conan slurry tomorrow, if you like.

That’s extremely generous of you to offer, homoeccentricus, but i think it would cost you too much to send over from Belgium. If I have to pitch more yeast, I can grab a pack of a neutral dry yeast from my lhbs. I was planning on buying some Vermont/Conan for my next brew, as cloudwater use it in some of their beers (their citra/mosaic pale recently became my new favourite beer)

Pitch some Nottingham or other aggressive attenuative yeast.

My LHBS only stocks Mangrove Jacks, so I’ll probably use their West Coast ale yeast, that seems to be high attenuating and neutral tasting.

Hahaha, I confused your forum name with Theoman’s an American who lives in Belgium…

No problem, I’m not too far away in the UK, but still a pain to send IMO.  I took another gravity reading this morning, and it’s down to 1.020, so it might just be working slowly, last beer I made with this yeast, it ran through it incredibly quickly (it was done after 5 days), and went down to 1.008 (albeit from a lower starting point).