Gonna do a ale using California lager, wyeast 2112. looking at my yeast starter calculator I am not sure of which pitching rate I should use. The site I use is from Captain brew and the choices are…Ale 0.75, Ale 1.0,
Lager 1.5, and lager 2.0.
I am not sure if I should use the lager or ale selection because it is a lager yeast that I am using for an ale. The malt I am using the just pale malt and the OG will be 1.044.
This is a 2.5 gallon batch.
Assuming that you’ll be fermenting at ale temps, that’s what you want to use. But frankly, I’ve stopped using yeast calculators and stir plates. I’ve gone to making 1 qt. SNS (search the site) starters for nearly every beer I make. I get prfect yeast performance and it’s a heck of a lot easier.
You may also want to consider at what temp you plan on pitching the yeast. What fermentation temp do you want to run on this one? Colder = higher pitch.
Fermenting at about 66 F.
Then treat it like an ale yeast. And FWIW, for 2.5 gal. of 1.044 I wouldn’t bother with a starter.
Yep. In my world, 2.5 gallons of 1.044 beer IS a yeast starter.