Wyeast 5526 - Brettanomyces Lambicus

Wyeast 5526 is the Brettanomyces Lambicus strain. Has anybody out there used this before? A while back I had a oak aged Belgian that had an awesome tart cherry flavor and aroma and would like to make something similar.The Wyeast description of this yeast states that this strain has that sour cherry character. I’m wondering is there a best temperature for this strain? I have never fermented anything with Brett before and could use some advice.

I currently have a solera that is over a  year old and the beer is very cherry.
You may have seen the thread… Just add it and let it work, my addition
was made after primary fermentation had taken place and I also added a
couple bottles of Avery Depucluese (sp?) dregs
Temperature range should be on Wyeast site…
Also If you are not fearful of the fruit, you should consider adding
sour pie cherries canned in water, and or fresh  fruit.  I also added
and suggest for that extra authentic element an addition of mahleb.
Good luck…sweet sweet cherry pie… 8)

Yes I did see your thread and didn’t realize you were using this yeast. Maybe it’s time to get a barrel started…