Went to the big city of Goldendale today, a virtual craft beer desert. Low and behold the local store has added a few decent bombers. Picked up s couple Ice Cycle beers, a Firestone Walker that I’ve never found anywhere around here, and s Yakima Craft Brewing IPA.
The label is well done, cool picture that gives you a hint that this might be a try at s traditional IPA. However, no information on the beer, not even ABV. Fed warning and the brewery web address, physical address, even phone number.
So I hit the inter web. Hey, cool site. Looks like they have a great variety including Scottish and Monk beer. Killer labels. Maybe best on the market. But still not a ton of info on this beer. They have two IPAs with the same label. One is an 80 ibu 6.6%, and the other is 90+ ibu 6.68% that has 2013 wet hops. (Guessing I got the 80…)
I poured it down the pipe. Bad idea, it’s overcarbed for that. Huge head, remains went flat fast. Nice clear beer the color of a translucent new penny. No gunk. The egg shell almost beige head leads me to think there might be some roast on board.
Aroma surprised me. I’m used to PNW IPAs that whack you in the snot box with fresh off the bine hops. This has been hopped but the sweet winey malty toasted-croissant aroma reins.
Because I poured down the center the first gulp was flat. My bad. It was malt forward, no surprise by the smellem, but then the hoppiness slowly builds. I can’t really say which ones they used. Maybe a blend? Again, PNW IPAs normally leave no guess work. This was a pleasant surprise! It made you work for it. Tease! I don’t know, maybe centennial and or cascade. Safe guess but I could be way off.
It has some body, otherwise how do they get a huge lingering head. Maybe the flatness made it seem on the thin side. Mouthfeel was not there, again my bad. Maybe it’s over carbed and hence the pour issue and hence the flat problem. I’ll pour some more.
Finish was dry despite all the maltiness. And then the hop bitterness lingers like a alpha acid ticktac. Like for a while. Not unpleasant at all, nice, and why make it go away? Makes you want another. So… good drinkability.
Second pour I did gentle, that 45° thing. Much better! It has the mouthfeel of a big Belgian. Just as enjoyable as the first pour, even better. Alcohol is warm but not hot. I think it’s one that could get you in trouble. You want another, you just don’t need another. Right to remain silent, just not the ability.
I’d give it a solid 40-42. I really dig the subtle tribute to the traditional IPA. Good job!