Ok, so I brewed a Tripel yesterday and ended up with an OG 1.085. When the temp reached 72 degrees I pitched two Wyeast Smack Packs of High Trappist Yeast. When I pitched, one of the packs was not swelling and discovered I never busted the smack pack inside, so I simply cut the smack pack open and pitched it with the other contents of the pack. I went ahead and added some yeast nutrients to the batch to make sure things would start “going”. It has now been 30 hours since I pitched and I see know signs of fermentation. Should I be concerned?
Well, with that OG, even with two smack packs, you underpitched. If you had 100% viability in each smack pack, you still would need about 3 packs without a starter, according to http://www.mrmalty.com/calc/calc.html. And your viability was probably significantly less than 100%, unless the yeast was brand new. If you can get more yeast, you may want to pitch another pack or two. Odds are, you’ll start seeing activity soon, but your yeast are going to be stressed. Next time, I would suggest making a starter.
What are you fermenting in? If it’s a bucket, pop the top and take a look. It may be fermenting without seeing airlock activity if the lid is not sealing perfectly.
I think it will be fine - RDWHAHB. If it’s is not fermenting within 48 hours of pitching you might be concerned, but at this point I probably would not add more yeast. How did you oxygenate?
It’ll kick off soon. How’s it going now?
I oxygenated by a vigorous 5 minute cross stir, my typical method.
… it is now 7am EST (40 hours after pitch) and I just popped the plastic carboy top. There is some activity, it is just not nearly as vigorous as I’m used to seeing.
We’ll wait and see what happens in another few days. I’ll keep you posted.