Yeast starter/population lab work

There has been discussion lately about yeast starter population, dry yeast, and other related stuff lately.

If I were to do some lab work surrounding these topics, what would you like to see?

Wow no takers?

Roffy what did you have on your mind?

I’ve been wanting to see if the 40% viability figure for rehydrating dry yeast in wort is accurate. I’m waiting on a lab supply order for some methylene blue…

I’ve been trying to find yeast growth rate formulas that I could use to build a spreadsheet to help estimate growth in multi-step starters.

Have you already ordered? I can send you some powder.

Are you going to be testing a specific strain or manufacturer?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to be placing a pretty large BSI order soon anyway. As far as strains, it’ll be US-05 and W-34/70 since those are what we use for all our year-round beers.