Is there an ideal temp to keep my starter at before crashing? Here in Florida this week the inside temps hover around 62-63. I have a towel wrapped around the gallon carboy for now.
Room temp is fine. I would actually get it up to 68Fish…
A little warmer would be good. The priority is yeast health and not quality fermentation.
Any suggestions how to warm it up? Think a towel wrap will do anything?
Put it in the oven, turn the light on and crack the door open.
What about keeping the carboy in a pot w some water?
Warm water would help, but might not stay warm for long.
By the way, those last two posts were me. Stupid glitches!
- Sent by my R2 unit
As long as it is in the 60s 70s I wouldn;t worry about it. I ferment my starters on my kitchen counter during winter and I keep my house at 58-62.
I never worry about starter temp, but that’s not your question. Ideal? My answer is the mid range temp for the particular yeast, and stable. No big swings. The swing up isn’t so much a problem as big drops. Drop in temp causes hibernation.
Just go for it but if you can, put it in a place with the most stable temp, like spare bedroom closet, or closet next to water heater.
I ferment all my starters at room temperature which can vary from 62 in the winter to low 70s in spring/fall. Summer starters ferment in the basement in high 60s.