Hello! i have been brewing serveral batches of porter. The OG is 1065 and theoretically the FG would be something around 1016. In my last batches, when i am ready to transfer from fermentor to a maturation tank i have a lot of yeast in suspension on my beer. When i am reading final gravity the beer do not have well atenuation even if i leave the it on the fermentor for several days. The FG is around 1025 to 1020. I use dry yeast (nottingham), i rehydrate it with water at 90°F. I use 3.5 to 4 packages of yeast to pitch a 1/2 BBL batch. I have checked the calcium levels on my water and adjusted it, i use to mash at 145 or 149°F maximum. I have a ranco temperature controller con my refrigerator in order to control fermentation. I dont know why i am having this yeast problem? please somebody help me!!
69% two row briess base malt
11% munich malt
2% carapils malt
5% caramel malt
3% special roast malt
7% chocolate malt
3% black patent malt
I mash base malt, munich malt and carapils 10 minutes at 131ºF, then 60 minutes at 149ºF and recirculating and sparging at 172ºF adding caramel, special roast, chocolate and black patent malts at that moment.
I’ve done good batches with nottingham having a FG of 1018…flavor and aroma are spectacular…thats why i dont want to change the strain…but finally it could be a posibility
[quote]Is your hydrometer calibrated? Mine started reading a few points high and I found that the paper had slipped from being knocked around.