Yeast washing/recovering after whole hops

Background: Beer came from a wort rally between my HBC and a local brewery. I boiled it for ~15 minutes with two hop additions, once at 5 minutes and once at flameout. Bootleg Biology’s The Mad Fermentationist Blend was pitched.

Problem: I’m an idiot. It was my first time using whole hops in a long time and I just tossed them in. My standard procedure is just dumping everything into the ferementer, so there they went. I would like to recover this yeast/culture because it’s a pretty neat blend, but I realized there’s a ton of whole hops floating/sinking in there.

Potential Solution?: Normally I just dump some trub in a sanitized jar (quart sized) and use it relatively quickly or make a starter. Can I do this, but using a funnel with a screen to catch any whole hops that happen to come out with the trub?

I don’t see why not. Honestly you might not even need to worry about the hops, but just screening out the hop chunks sounds simple enough.