Yesterday Evening

I wanted to share…this…



Verr nice!

We gotta get a slew of pics in now!

Where’s the beer?

Actually by that time, I had progressed to a tumbler of cognac…and It was near me
when I took that pic… :smiley:

Bring em on!

Ai’t life in the west awesome?!?!

Yeah Barry it has been good to me.  I however am butt tired of the howling wind and cold
and snow…I want to try a palm tree in my yard and to nurture the ability to catch my
own shrimp,redfish,oysters,crab,flounder,…gumbo ingredients…  see if that heat and humidity
will help my tired ole sore bones… ???  There is sumthin to be said for sand crunchin underfoot
and happy hour on every other corner…(you wouldn’ even hafta cook)

I dunno man, I lived all my life in the heat and humidity, and hated everything about it. The dry heat here is a litte better, but Iwas ready for winter back in the end of March.  ;D


Here we go! To the East it’s just as wonderful maybe even better. Sh!tty phone cam doesn’t do it justice. Small joys.


Sorry about the trees but the purple-red-orange light just refracts across the sky.


I bet everyone’s having awesome sunsets right now. :slight_smile:

Not yet, but give it about an hour and a half…  :wink:

Geeze carl, ya could have put up a shot of the magma glow… ::slight_smile:


nice pics

My wife says I can be obnoxious with my enthusiasm for Hawaii sometimes.  She says it comes off as bragging and one-upsmanship.

I see it as being in an amazinhg and beautiful place, and wanting to share with whoever will sit still long enough to listen.  But I trust her judgement and try to hold back.

For instance, just now while I was filling my tea kettle to heat some water for my morning coffee, I spyed a hummingbird moth gathering nectar from the night blooming jasmine outside my kitchen window.  Da buggahs look just like hummingbirds.  My jasmine looks like it’s covered in snow because the blooms are so thick.  It was an amazing moment.  Stuff like that happens all the time here.


Two places my wife and I want to move to someday…Flagstaff Arizona or San Luis Obispo, California.  Both are significantly cooler in summer and warmer in winter than where I live.  I’m so, so finished with humidity…

Fires to the west have turned the evening sun into a blood red eyeball…you could
look directly at the sun …my camera could not do the exact color rendition.

A baleful blood red orb?