When you buy a six pack of an old school cheap American Lager (Narragansett) at the country store and it causes a bit of a to-do. The owner, Ari, was the first to notice: “Pete, a Narragansett day?” I sheepishly replied “well, it’s a hot day and I literally haven’t had this since I was a kid”. Pat, the clerk, protested that it was a good beer for lounging around on a hot day. Ari said I probably would end up using it to cook steamers. A customer piped in to complain about the low alcohol Schlitz they had access to while serving in Vietnam. On the way out a lady said “I hope you like it.”
The life of a small town beer snob.
The Narragansett wasn’t too bad, either.
You know you live in a small town when the craft beer selection at the biggest store is so pitiful that you have to start brewing your own.
This happened to me back in 1998. When I moved back to Portland in 1999 I kept on brewing.
That’s hilarious! Thanks for sharing.
I grew up in RI a couple of towns over from Narragansett. (Then again, in RI, EVERYTHING is a couple of towns over, but I digress. ) Seeing that revived brought back a lot of memories from my childhood. Narry, Schlitz, Shaefer, and Miller High Life were about all anybody drank there back then. The “greenies” like Molson, Moosehead, Rolling Rock, and Heinekin were high falootin’, so it was a rare “treat” to drink the skunk.
Those were the days.