I don’t know how I was unaware this existed.
Looks like a plate full of California king snakes.
Pretty cool. It must be a PITA to make. I cooked in a nice Italian restaurant in the early 90’s where we made our own pasta and we would make black fettuccine with squid ink and regular semolina fettuccine and mix them 1/2 and 1/2 or make ravioli that were green with spinach on one side and white on the other. To do this I imagine you would make black and white pasta, cut in strips and then line them up alternating black and white, put through the rollers, then turn around and stretch through the rollers again, then cut into linguine. Like I said, PITA.
Looks cool but yeah, must be a total PITA to make. Can’t see how it would be worth it for a home cook to make by hand. I know it is preprepared on the market but seems hard to find.
Anything with that zebra appearance is a PITA like zebra cake. You make that by adding spoons of alternating white and black cake dough one spoonful at a time.