How do you zest? I’ve used a zester previously, but what a pain! I’ve heard people use a peeler, but am unsure how hard it is to avoid the pith. I’d love a more efficient method.
Sounds like Steve is using a zester (thingy with three sharpened holes on the end) and not a microplane
Zester=PIA + some pith
microplane=very easy + no pith
Is that right Steve? If using a zester get a microplane. If I didn’t have a microplane I would use either a very good vegetable peeler or a very sharp paring knife, being careful to not get much pith. Zesters are no good IMO.
I use a microplane in situations where the zest will be eaten. For beer I prefer a veggie peeler. Avoiding the pith is easy enough with a sharp peeler and a bit of practice. If you do get a bit of pith, just peel or scape it off.
When doing a whole bag of oranges for a wit I found this peeler worked well. Though of using my microplane but that would have taken considerable effort for that many oranges. Wasn’t hard to avoid getting into the pith.
I find peelers of the above type work best for zest compared to the more knife shapped configuration. The above configuration is easier to hold at a steady pressure while rotating the fruit. The knife configuration works best for peeling long veggies such as cucumber and carrots, but still works well if it is what is available.
I’m in the vegetable peeler camp. You just need to use a lighter pressure so you don’t dig into the pith. Fast and easy.
The only exception will be citrus fruit with incredibly thin skin, like a clementine. That needs a microplane because it’s nearly impossible to avoid pith otherwise.
I’m assuming you are using a standard zesting surface that you might see on one side of one of those 4 sided cheese graters. I would suggest getting a microplane zester. They are much faster and dont clog, and they also dont cut deep enough into the rind to catch any pith. I would also suggest getting a zesting glove that is usually right next to the microplane zesters. Those zesters are very sharp, and if you accidently drag your knuckles or fingertips across it, you are done zesting for the day, and it is very likely that the words that come out of your mouth will make the cat pass out.
When I make limoncello, I can zest 20 lemons in about 15 minutes, even when zesting those little Meyer lemons with rather thin rind.