So this hurricane got me to thinking, when the zombie apocolypse comes, not if, when, I need to be prepared. What do you guys keep in your BoB’s? I’m just working on getting mine together. I carry a backpack with me everywhere I go so its a natural transition. Things like knives and axes I’ll have t keep two of. One in Idaho and one on ohio as TSA gets all weirded out by that stuff. I’ll also have to get n ready for Holly to keep in her car. If you haven’t considered a 72 hour kit, think about it. The zombies ARE coming. Its just a matter of time.
That Zombie page was a humorous attempt by our government to get people to actually think about disaster planning from a personal perspective. I thought it was funny when it came out and it does seem to get people to at least think about putting a kit together for when things go bad.
I suggest you make sure to keep a chainsaw around too. The noise will confuse the zombies and you can use it to cut wood for the fire you’ll need to cook on. 8^)
Honestly above $1000 and below $4000 the construction all looks the same. Good steel, folded, clay quenched (proper–this is how you make the sword curve, the clay’s thinner at the blade edge so it gets tempered harder due to greater exposure to heat) in water.
High carbon steel rusts. These swords are traditionally stored in 99% mineral oil with 1% clove oil. The clove oil is for aroma. Weapons like this demand discipline, or they rust. I tend to prefer my fists, which suffer the same problem: without practice, my body becomes weak and my coordination and sense of self are lost, and I fight less effectively. The symptoms are actually two-fold: I might be a weaker fighter, but also more dangerous–a powerful fighter can subdue an opponent more easily; without that, you may be forced to inflict greater injury or death. He who cannot protect himself must instead destroy his enemy.