I THINK munich 1 requires mashing but I could be wrong. still it would be an easy mini-mash. plenty of enzymes in the munich. just hold your steeping temp around 150-160 for 30-45 minutes and then pull the grains and rinse.
You’ll need more dryhops if you want to mimic the aroma from Zombie Dust.
I’d do 4 oz of Citra in primary as the fermentation slows down (airlock bubbles every 15 sec or so). Rack off after no more than a week. Add 4 oz more to secondary/keg in a hop bag. Taste after 3-4 days and pull them out if there’s any sign of “green”, grassy, vegetal flavors.
It sounds like overkill, but that’s the 3Floyds way.
I agree with Morticai, Munich needs to be mashed. It has enough enzymes to convert itself, but I would doubt if you steeped at standard steeping ratio (1gal H2O to 1lb grain) you would have the DP to convert. you probably will need to mini mash this if you want to do the munich. You could also try Munich Malt Extract.
I also think Melanoidin requires mashing, but don’t quote me on it.