The Centers for Disease Control warns of a:
It may take a while to load - the server is getting slammed.
The Centers for Disease Control warns of a:
It may take a while to load - the server is getting slammed.
Zombie Apocalypse, I’m prepared! Are you?
That is pretty cool how they incorporated pop-culture and disaster awareness.
Hell yeah! “Nut-up or shutup!”
I like this response:
[quote]May 17, 2011 at 11:27 pm ET - Eric Daily
Add “Cricket bat” to list.
Change plan to:
How’s that for a slice of fried gold?
Stay Limber…
Punatic, have you seen Shaun of the Dead yet? If not I’m gonna have to send you the DVD, you -have- to watch it!
Awesome Denny, thanks for the link. ;D
One of my favorite songs to play on ukulele…
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
I still can’t get the original page to load.
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
Nope, can’t figure out a good way to get it there. Next year, though, our club intends to have a booth for club night and there’s discussion of putting a band together for it! LOOK OUT! ;D
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
Nope, can’t figure out a good way to get it there. Next year, though, our club intends to have a booth for club night and there’s discussion of putting a band together for it! LOOK OUT! ;D
Mustang Sally. ;D
Awesome Denny, thanks for the link. ;D
One of my favorite songs to play on ukulele…
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
I still can’t get the original page to load.
Yeah, the word got out, when several news outlets linked to the page. The server is getting slammed. I go to the page, then open anther page to surf with and give the slow zombie page a few minutes to load, then go back to it.
Pretty funny stuff. The CDC talkng about preparing for a zombie attack.
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
Nope, can’t figure out a good way to get it there. Next year, though, our club intends to have a booth for club night and there’s discussion of putting a band together for it! LOOK OUT! ;D
Mustang Sally. ;D
I SWEAR TO GOD I won’t sing! ;D
Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D
Nope, can’t figure out a good way to get it there. Next year, though, our club intends to have a booth for club night and there’s discussion of putting a band together for it! LOOK OUT! ;D
Mustang Sally. ;D
I SWEAR TO GOD I won’t sing! ;D
Stairway to Freebird :
I saw this garden sculpture yesterday. I don’t think the wife would go for it, but I thought it was pretty funny.
Oh man, do I want one of those!
First rule in fighting zombies… cardio!
I saw this garden sculpture yesterday. I don’t think the wife would go for it, but I thought it was pretty funny.
too cool, while looking at the site, seems they also sell Winchester Arms t-shirts. might have to get me one.
Shaun of the Dead has to be the best of the zombie films
re:Your Brain
All we want to do it is eat your brain
We’re not unreasonable,
I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes…
That is hilarious Denny!