The Centers for Disease Control warns of a:

[u]Zombie Apocalypse[/u]

It may take a while to load - the server is getting slammed.

Zombie Apocalypse, I’m prepared! Are you?  :wink:

That is pretty cool how they incorporated pop-culture and disaster awareness.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell yeah!  “Nut-up or shutup!”  :wink:

I like this response:

[quote]May 17, 2011 at 11:27 pm ET  -  Eric Daily

Add “Cricket bat” to list.

Change plan to:

  1. Go ’round mums.
  2. Grab Liz.
  3. Head over to the Winchester.
  4. Have a cold pint.
  5. Wait for this whole thing to blow over.

How’s that for a slice of fried gold?


Stay Limber…


Punatic, have you seen Shaun of the Dead yet? If not I’m gonna have to send you the DVD, you -have- to watch it!

re:Your Brain

Awesome Denny, thanks for the link. ;D

One of my favorite songs to play on ukulele…

Are you bringing the uke to SD? ;D

I still can’t get the original page to load.

Nope, can’t figure out a good way to get it there.  Next year, though, our club intends to have a booth for club night and there’s discussion of putting a band together for it!  LOOK OUT!  ;D

Mustang Sally.  ;D

Yeah, the word got out, when several news outlets linked to the page.  The server is getting slammed.  I go to the page, then open anther page to surf with and give the slow zombie page a few minutes to load, then go back to it.

Pretty funny stuff.  The CDC talkng about preparing for a zombie attack.

I SWEAR TO GOD I won’t sing!  ;D

Stairway to Freebird  ::slight_smile:

I saw this garden sculpture yesterday. I don’t think the wife would go for it, but I thought it was pretty funny.


Oh man, do I want one of those!

First rule in fighting zombies… cardio!

too cool, while looking at the site, seems they also sell Winchester Arms t-shirts. might have to get me one.

Shaun of the Dead has to be the best of the zombie films

All we want to do it is eat your brain
We’re not unreasonable,
I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes…

That is hilarious Denny!