Zymatic Questions

I’m thinking of getting one as part of a cellar brewery but have some questions.

  1. Does it produce much steam/moisture? Having to also shell out for an exhaust system could be a deal breaker.
  2. Is it safe to run while not at home? One thing that appeals to me is the possibility of setting up before work, setting a timer (maybe this is built in?), and having the wort ready around when I got home from work.
  3. Ideally I will set up running water in the basement brewery. If that isn’t feasible right away, would carrying the parts up and down stairs to kitchen to clean be easy or are there many different parts to clean?

Anything else Zymatic owners can tell me that would seem relevant to my situation would be great.

No steam…many people use them indoors.  My LHBS uses ine ritght in his shop

Maybe OK, likely OK, but I still wouldn’t do it

Cleaning consists of putiing the grain basket and a coule screens in the dishwasher…easy

Good info Denny. Not sure if I would be comfortable leaving it either and now that I think of it my girlfriend definitely wouldn’t be. We don’t run washer/dryer/dishwasher while away for more than a few minutes so that makes sense. It would be so convenient to do that but I would probably be too worried.

Yeah and no timer to fire up when t starts brewing. It’s my main requested feature!

I leave the house during the brew day. Nothing blew up.

I keep mine in the insulated garage and run it with the doors closed. The worst it does is bring the temp up to 60-65 from 45-50F. Not a bad deal in the winter.