Zymergy, March/April, Malt: the Soul of Beer

I read the artical with interest right down the the little note at the end. “On the Web”, it says check out a Sneak Peek of a Malty Recipe at HomebrewerAssociation.Org/Maltyrecipe. When you get there, the Malty Recipe is a movie about the importance of Malt in Beer. OK, I knew that but thanks for the history & insight. So, where’s the “Malty Recipe”?

Just above the movie in bold it says “Download Introduction to Home Malting by George de Piro,” which is an excerpt on home malting featuerd in the Malt book!

Here’s a direct link to the download: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Introduction-to-Home-Malting.pdf