Hope someone can help me.
I can no longer log in to the Zymurgy app on my ipad or ipod.
When I joined the AHA I downloaded the app to both devices and logged in without any issue…now I can’t log in on either device and I get the message ‘unable to log in as use markpotts’.
I’m in the UK if that makes any difference?? Both devices have latest OS.
Sorry to hear about your experience with the Zymurgy App. I am going to pass this along to appropriate people and see if I can’t get a solid answer for you. Hang tight.
Okay, some really strange things are happening on my account.
Yesterday evening I could no longer log in to this forum or the ‘front site’ of the AHA. I used the link to change my password.
I now have the Zymurgy app working with the new password…great
Strange thing is though, the new password doesn’t work here or on the ‘front site’, but my old password is valid.