HombrewCon 2024 - GABF

@joeinma I am sorry to read this version of events and congratulations on two entries in the Final Round (not easy to do). Also thank you for being an ongoing AHA member and communicating your frustration. Your passion and fight for homebrewers to be supported shines and resonates. The award ceremony was a national celebration of homebrewers happening, this one year, in the hall of the largest beer fest in the U.S. and yet…yes different than years past.

Live stream was not possible (I too was dissapointed) although the rebroadcast was shared in under :50 minutes after (as quick as it was possible).

For anyone wanting to watch the awards or learn more about the 11 (!) events tied to this year’s 2024 National Homebrew Competition see NHC.

Festival beer of many choices was freely available near the awards and the partially filled pitcher on stage was so your announcer (me) could have some beer in my glass during photos.

2025 planning is in progress with both Homebrew Con and NHC top of mind. Please see the member midyear update for more on planning and AHA events. Midyear

Also if you want to read more on AHA and member benefits (always with an eye to improve and evolve) please consider checking out the summary here. Plus our team stands ready to overview directly if that is helpful. The AHA offers more beyond Zymurgy Magazine.

Here is where to call or email our team and I can be reached at ahaed@brewersassociation.org and welcome the chance to learn more.

Cheers, Julia-AHA Executive Director

Try to attend the Northern California Homebrewers Festival.

I only have one NHC (the last in SD) (And four GABFs) under my belt. Can’t speak to previous NHC’s, but I had a blast and it was what I was hoping it would be. Of course there are always going to be things here and there that we would all do differently. Regardless of the comparisons/concerns from the Old Guard, any NHC resembling the worst NHC would be light years ahead of what I saw at the GABF 2024 “Homebrew Headquarters” I can’t even express how terrible, and frankly embarrassing it was for the homebrew community.

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Only my second NHC (after Pittsburgh), but I loved it! Craft Beer drinkers dream of going to GABF (it was awesome!) It was an amazing opportunity considering the post covid NHC attendance declines and $ losses. A really big thanks to GABF for hosting NHC at very little cost. My club is looking forward to NHC 2025, but if folks don’t attend…the minimal dues, competition fees and registration won’t cover it. Thanks Julia…Club Night, the NHC booth & award winning homebrews served there were Great!