No, I’m not against beer competitions, homebrew or probrew. I said time and resources, not money and effort. I don’t participate in them any more because I don’t find it enjoyable any more. I’m wondering why homebrewing has evolved into a competitive undertaking for so many. It seems to me that as soon as your fellow homebrew club members have showed you how to brew, they’re pushing you to enter your beer in a competition. Why?
I find it amusing that johnf say, “So it sounds like you dislike the conference as well. So you don’t want the AHA to be involved in competitions or education. What are appropriate activities?” It confirms my belief that people tend to read what they are thinking not what is written. I really enjoy going to the NHCs for the social activities. I just don’t care to participate in the competition or judging any more.
It is a bit distressing that Denny says:
Am I to take this to mean that since I don’t enter my beers in competitions my friends are drunks, or am I now the one reading what I am thinking, not what is actually written?
Again, if you like to participate in brewing competitions I’m happy that you have found something you enjoy. Go for it. I’m just trying to understand why so much emphasis is placed on competing.
Probrewers competing for market share makes sense to me. Homebrewers competing seems like… ?