100% Vienna Lager

Anyone ever tried a 100% Vienna Malt lager? I’ve been debating in my head if I want to go 100% Vienna or split the Vienna with Pils and add a bit of Carahell and/or Munich.

I’ve not gone 100% yet, but on my last one, which I really loved, I did use 76% Vienna, with the rest being Munich and CaraMunich.  Turned out fantabulous with the 2206 yeast.  No pilsner malt necessary at all.

I have.

It was very tasty but I tended to prefer one i make that is a mix of pils, vienna, maris otter and caravienne.

Interesting choice in marris otter - now I’m wondering what a 100% MO lager would taste like

I’ve done it.  It was good, but almost insipid in its lack of complexity.

100% MO lager is innovative but taste out of place. Once I made alt bier with MO and I would not do it again.

I’m about to keg my 100% Vienna Malt beer. Only difference is that I used US-05 so not a lager. It came out really clean and very drinkable. Mittelfrüh and Hersbrucker were used to balance the sweetness and it actually reminds me of a Kölsch style beer. Will post some pics later. :smiley:

Oh yeah… I’m reminded now about a SMASH beer competition that my club did about 5 years ago.  We each selected a different malt and a different hop.  We all agreed that the 100% Vienna beer (I forget the hop and the yeast) had without a doubt the most interesting and delicious malt flavor, and it won the comp.  I brewed my own Vienna lager with a high portion of Vienna only after my learnings from that comp/experiment.  So definitely, all Vienna can make a great beer – and no debate over specialty malts required!  Just Vienna and roll.

Totally agreed.  I find the flavor of MO out of place in many styles.

I can see how the biscuity character of MO could work in a Vienna lager if used with a balanced touch. Interesting idea.

Indeed. I’ve subbed Vienna for MO before with good results. I’ve never thought of going the other way, but I can see the potential.

My experience, too.

My favorite Vienna recipe is the Mexican variety, 50% Vienna, 20% corn, 25% pils, 5% caravienne, then a little chocolate malt in the sparge to darken it a bit.

I might have to brew this one for Cinco de Mayo this year. Sounds damn tasty.

Never really understood the need to darken viennas.

Chumley, what does your hop schedule look like with this grist, something noble for just a bittering charge, FWH, anything late?

I usually do a 50/50 mix of Cluster and Hallertauer for a 20-25 IBU bittering, and a small flavoring addition of Hallertauer (like 0.5 oz. per 5 gallons of wort) for the last 10 to 20 minutes.

Thanks that does sound good, may have to give it a shot next year