2 rest step mash

I want to try a step mash. I am infusing mashing so I only want 2 rests. What 2 temps would at least theoretically be most beneficial? The batch will be a Helles

30 minutes at 62C/144F, then 30 minutes at 72C/162F should work fine, plus mash out.

The malt gelatinization temps from last years crops is high. I would target 148ish for the first rest.

My usual 2 step is 148/162-165

How long are you holding the rest at 162-165 °F?

20-30 min. IIRC.

When infusing what is your starting W/G ratio? Is it better to start dry to keep second infusion from too much dilution?

It’s not too big a deal.  I start at 1-1.25 qt. lb.  For the step I just stir in boiling water while I check the temp.  When I hit the temp I’m going for, that’s enough water.

I’m curious to know how long it takes for the temperature to stabilize. One thing I suspect about infusion step mashing is that the ramp rate is fairly high given that most are using Boiling water to increase temperature.

I really don’t recall, but probably not more than 5-10 min.  I know you’re a proponent of slow steps.

My plan is to bring would usually be my sparge water up to a near boil and slowly drain it in until I hit my temp or top out my mash tun. My goal is to have those 2 things  happen as close to the same time as possible so there would be little or no actual sparge.