Anyone know where the conference will be NEXT year. (I have to plan way ahead of time)
I think they will announce the location at the 2010 NHC.
San Diego has been floating around as a rumor, but the official word won’t come until Saturday night at this year’s NHC.
I hope that becomes reality. I love San Diego. Great weather.
I’d like to see some East coast love, but a trip to San Diego in June would be cool too.
I heard that…the East Coast would be just fine with me.
It had been in that area last year. Are there no east cost places that would be willing to host?
us folks in Washington are gonna try and get one over the next few years in Seattle. We got our laws changed last year to make it legal !!! (transporting and such)
What do you guys think of Seattle? Lot’s of great places for the BNA pub crawl.
Seattle would be great but I would need to take at least 2 weeks off to explore all that the PNW has to offer. Oh and another week after that to recover…I just don’t have that kind of vacation time.
Oh boy, there’s a lot of planning going on. We’re trying to keep ahead of the game because it’s been demonstrated that when we have a lot of time and a team that’s on the stick, the conference is a madhouse, a very smoothly running madhouse.
And there’s the rub, the AHA depends upon us to be that team that provides the backbone of the conference. All of those events? Planned by someone local.
For the conference to come to your area, what the organization needs is at least one crazy person to raise their hand, start exploring possibilities, demonstrate local availability of volunteers and work with Gary to find appropriate hotels that won’t kill us on cost, are right sized for the attendance and have intriguing possibilities nearby. (By the way, your local tourist board or city convention committee can give you a leg up on this.)
So, if you’re wanting to see the conference swing to your area, contact the G-man ( for the planning document and go to it. In other words, yup, the conference will appear where we have teams that can put together the right package.
Think cheesesteaks, pretzels, the Liberty Bell and Beer!
Where’s the G-MAN when one needs him?
I’d like to see either Nashville, TN or Asheville, NC sometime soon. But I am not crazy enough to raise my hand.
There has been some discussion about it by some in the Asheville home brew club, but we do not have anywhere near the number of hotel rooms that are needed. I was hitting up the Charlotte club, but did not get any bites
Drew is spot on - we need a commited local group of homebrewers that can help support the effort.
Gary (and pretty much all of the AHA GC) has a decent document put together over the years that outlines what it takes to pull one of these off. It’s about 30 pages, and gives a core team some excellent guidance as what it takes. We should probably put this up on the website - brilliant! Hell, it may already be there - better check
Several clubs are working to bring the NHC to Philly in 2012 or 2013.
I heard rumors that the NHC was in Manchester, NH once…I’m sure it has grown 10 fold since then. I couldn’t imagine it here now.
Philly, Boston, DC all sound good to me. Unfortunately I think NYC would be too expensive in June.
That’s a good thing. I hope it can happen. I am about an hours drive from center city.
I would not complain too much even if it came to Atlanta >:(
I heard rumors that the NHC was in Manchester, NH once…I’m sure it has grown 10 fold since then. I couldn’t imagine it here now.
Almost, but not quite ten fold since the conference back then. We now need a hotel that can comfortably accommodate a thousand homebrewers. Typically that requires a relatively adjancent set of overflow hotels. (witness this year and how quickly the main hotel went full or the number of hotels that we spread across last year in Oakland.) Fortunately, hotel selection is the sort of thing that the convention folks can help you with.
I know this will offend someone, but Alanta kinda sucks for beer. There are certainly some good spots, but they are not centralized and most don’t have a Hotlanta address - think Sandy Springs, Decatur, etc. As far as Asheville, there is no place large enough for the conference hotel that I am aware of and flying into Asheville, while possible, is not a great move financially. The best prices for flights would be Charlotte, or maybe Greensboro or Greenville and then you’re looking at a drive. Now the beer scene would be perfect for the conference. Darn near everything within walking distance of everything else (if there was a hotel).
Another rub is what Drew mentioned, local support. MALT has a strong club, but probably not enough to pull off the conference by itself if held in Asheville. Just the cellarmaster job and their staff would be a nightmare with 760 beers in the second round, so 2280 bottles (95 cases of beer). Couple that with club night with around 400 5gallon kegs and ProBrewer’s Night with 50 (or more) 15 gallon kegs and one starts to understand the task at hand! How do you keep that many beers cold and organized can be a logistical nightmare. Most cellarmasters don’t see much of the conference.
My hat’s off to those who are up to the challenge!