Hello fellow Home Brewers!
The Beer Barons of Milwaukee are very pleased to announce that registration for the third annual Midwinter Home Brew Competition is now open. Judging will be taking place on February 17th and 18th, 2012. This competition is held in conjunction with the 15th annual Midwinter Brew Fest at the Milwaukee Ale House and is a member of the Midwest Home Brewer of the Year circuit.
Participant, judging, and steward registration for the competition will be coordinated through the web site at http://midwinterhbc.beerbarons.org. Entries will be accepted January 1st through February 5th at 11 different locations in WI, IL, & MN. Shipped entries should be sent to Northern Brewer in West Allis, WI. Please refer to the web site for drop off location cut off dates and addresses.
In addition to the category and Best of Show awards, one of the winning English Session entries (BJCP categories 8A, 8B, or 11A) will be chosen to be ramped up by the Milwaukee Brewing Company for serving at the Milwaukee Ale House.
Awards will be announced and presented to participants at the Milwaukee Ale House on February 18th at 6:00 PM central time. Winners will be posted to the competition website shortly after the conclusion of the awards ceremony.
Additional details can be found on the competition web site and our Facebook page. Information regarding judging and stewarding opportunities will be posted shortly. Please pass this information on to your fellow home brewing friends and direct any inquiries to the Contact page on the registration page at http://midwinterhbc.beerbarons.org/index.php?section=contact
Thanks and best of luck to all that enter!
MWHBC Organizing Committee