Getting on the forum is easy, so please post comments there. There is a new version of the guidelines available without the background image. I could link it here, or you could check the forum. I’ll opt for the latter.
Yeah it is the Premium Czech Lager, I was looking for Pilsner Urquell as the top example, see it was farther down. I didn’t recognize most examples first time through - and hey - I have been to the Czeck Republic and had a few beers there. Even missed Budvar on the list.
I think Saison is in Strong Belgian because there is a strong version. For me the key is remembering that the Category is arbitrary, not defining but merely a manner of organizing. So the same problem you are seeing would occurr if they cut and pasted saison into a different category more suitible for the table strength. Then the question would be how does the super saison fit there…
What will make things interesting is in a competition. Putting a table strength saison up against a Tripel.
since this information should be mandatory, I think it should be fairly easy for comp staff to split up the saisons, and make sure that table/super ones are judged with similarly sized beers.
It is a question I’ve got for the AHA though: Do they foresee combining/rearranging categories for NHC next year? Basically, if the guidelines aren’t significantly changed further, would we have 40 medal categories consisting of exactly what has been released so far?
'cause we’re gonna have like 40 International Lagers entries, and 1000 American and Specialty IPAs…
But categories that contain descriptors are no longer arbitrary. They gain meaning. And in no way is 3.5% strong. It makes more sense to have a strong Belgian category contain super saison and triple and a small Belgian category with table saison, refectory beer, etc.
Might be worth pointing out comments made on the AHA Forum are simply discussion. Comments made on the BJCP Forum or sent to the style email address are captured and may be acted upon by the style committee.
It took me about 5 min to get on the bjcp forum. Ive posted a few comments and so far have not been lynched, so I say go for it. Make your contributions